Ashley & Collin
Are getting Married in

Our Love Story...

If we had to tell you one thing about us... it would be that we're so grateful. Grateful that we were brought together, again... something that we understand is very rare in life. One gets to interact with a lot of different people, but only once in a lifetime do you find someone who is imperfectly your perfect match. We are also incredibly grateful for the support of our family and friends over the past two years and feel blessed to have you all in our lives. We look forward to sharing this special moment with you!

I do!

Ashley Richardson

Ashley is amazing. When I first met her I knew she was amazing and every passing day reminds me of just how amazing she is!

I really love her incredibly unique blend of talents, interests, and personality. She's a talented artist in so many ways, always excited about trying new things, and a genuinely loving and kind person.

She's everything I've always dreamed of and I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with her!
Me too!

Collin LeGault

Collin is an incredible person. A true jack of all trades, he is always amazing me with what he can do and will do next! Bake a cake? Play guitar? Build a computer? Yep, that's him.

While all this I do admire, it is his beautifully kind heart and caring spirit that make me feel so blessed I get to share this lifetime with him. Plain and simple, he makes me feel whole and I love him completely.
Today and always, beyond tomorrow, I need you beside me, always as my best friend, lover and forever soul mate.

20 September:ish She saw Him

Collin and Ashley crossed paths multiple times before college, starting with a weekend camp in the fall. We think it was around the 20th of September. Collin entered the room, and Ashley was practicing a line dance and spun around and saw him. Their eyes met; Ashley thought to herself, there's the boy I'm going to marry! This moment was forever lovingly burned into both of their memories.


14 April:ish The Second Encounter

Collin was minding his own business at an Odessy of the Mind competition when Ashely suddenly came bounding up out of nowhere with a friend in tow and said, "Hey! Do you remember me from camp?" She had just told her friend, "There's the boy I'm going to marry!" and her friend made her go talk to him. As she walked away, Collin stood there watching, thinking, what an incredible girl! (sorry, we aren't sharing pictures from this far back LOL)


4 September: The First Kiss

After 10 years of having a solid friendship and 20 years of completely losing contact with each other, the inevitable became evitable. They shared their first kiss. (and it was MARVELOUS! That's all we are going to say about that...)


19 March: The First Vacation

Their first vacation together was a simple weekend in the Monterey, California, area. This was mainly because there was realy no where to go and nothing to do during the pandemic. They got to spend quality time at the beach during the freezing cold California spring.


04 June: They moved together

After a 6-day cross-country adventure with Ashley's sister Angie, daughter Audrey and Audrey's best friend Serj, she arrived in San Jose on Saturday, June 4th. The journey along the "Mother Road" was long but fantastic!

Now Ashley has started on a new journey of trying to get herself adjusted to the new timezone! Not easy!

13 June: She said yes!

So how did Collin pop the question? At the Moutain Winery during a concert. Collin took Ashley aside while the Gin Blossoms played to get some food, and while looking over the valley covered with vineyards Ashely knew he was going to pop the question, and he did.

The Wedding

Ashley And Collin
Happily invite you to celebrate their wedding here online (see video above)
24 . 09 . 2022
at six thirty in the evening